How Can We Help?
Refer Viewing Signals for details on Signals.
There are two types of Lead Signals:
- Early Warning
- Problem
HEAL sends notifications in following cases.
- When a signal is created. (Status is Open)
- When a new service is added to the timeline. (Status is Open)
- When the signal is upgraded. (Status is Upgraded)
- When the signal is closed. (Status is Closed)
- When a new severe event is added to the timeline (Status is Open)
- When signal severity changes (Status is Open)
- When signal is open for long or open for too long – regular reminders (Status is Open)
You receive a notification only for those services which are part of the applications assigned to you.
Signal Template Variables
Configuration variables are as follows:
- Signal ID
- Signal Description (impact summary)
- Signal Type (Problem or Early Warning)
- Severity (Critical or Non-Critical)
- Status (open, upgraded, or closed)
- Application Names (entry level service may belong to multiple services)
- Related Signals IDs
- Started On (along with timezone )
- Ended On (along with timezone)
- User Name
- Organization Name
- Impacted Entry Point Service (NA in case of EW)
- Root Cause Services (can be multiple)
- Affected Services (Newest Affected Service(s) added to the Signal timeline which lead to notification generation)
- Affected Applications (Application(s) which have the affected services tagged but not the actual application on which the Signal is raised)
- Total Events Count (total number of events during the course of a signal)
- Latest Event Count (on the current update)
- Latest Event Time (along with the timezone) (on the current update)
- Latest Event detected (for the current notification or update) : Service Name, Instance name, Request Name, Host address, KPI name, KPI attribute, Value, Unit, operation, Lower threshold, Upper Threshold
You can use all these variables across the templates.
- Jack is assigned to Application A1 (Travels) and Service S1 (Travel Web), S2 (Hotels), S3 (Hotel Inventory), S4 (Bookings) and S5 (Booking DB) are tagged to it.
- Joe is assigned to Application A2 (Flights) and S4 (bookings) is tagged to it.
- Signal Open:
a) S1 has some transaction failures observed, Five events observed on S1 only.
b) Latest event count is one.
c) Signal status is open.
d) Jack should immediately receive a notification stating that signal is open.
- Signal Update 1:
a) Three events are observed on S2, two events are observed on S3. Both S2 and S3 are added to the timeline. Two more events are observed on S1.
b) Latest Event count is three.
c) Signal status is Open.
d) Jack immediately receives a notification stating that signal is Open.
- Signal Update 2:
a) Four events are observed on S4. S4 is added to the timeline. Two more events are observed on both S1 and S2.
b) Latest Event count is four.
c) S4 is part of Application A1 (Travels) and A2 (Flights) both.
d) Signal status is open.
e) Jack and Joe both immediately receive a notification stating that signal is open.
Signal Closed:
Signal is closed.
Jack and Joe both immediately receive a notification stating that signal is closed.
Email Templates
Template for Lead Problem Open
Dear User,
{Signal_Type} is {Signal_Status} on application(s) {App_Names}.
Affected service(s): {Affected_ServiceNames}.
For the detailed overview, Please select here.
Impacted Entry Point Service: {EntryPoint_ServiceName}
Suggested Root Cause at {RootCause_ServiceNames}
Affected Application(s): {Affected_ApplicationNames}
Severity: {Severity}
Started On: {StartTime}({TimzoneShortName})
Total {Total_Events} event(s) detected so far on this {Signal_Type}
Template for Lead Problem Closed
Dear User,
{Signal_Type} is {Signal_Status} on application(s) {App_Names}.
For the detailed overview, Please select here.
Impacted Entry Point Service: {EntryPoint_ServiceName}
Suggested Root Cause at {RootCause_ServiceNames}
Severity: {Severity}
Started On: {StartTime}({TimzoneShortName})
Ended On: {EndTime}({TimzoneShortName})
Total {Total_Events} event(s) were detected on this {Signal_Type}
Appreciate your efforts !
Early Warning Open
Dear User,
{Signal_Type} is {Signal_Status} on application(s) {App_Names}.
Affected service(s): {Affected_ServiceNames}.
For the detailed overview, Please select here.
Impacted Entry Point Service: NA
Suggested Root Cause at {RootCause_ServiceNames}
Affected Application(s): {Affected_ApplicationNames}
Severity: {Severity}
Started On: {StartTime}({TimzoneShortName})
Total {Total_Events} event(s) detected so far on this {Signal_Type}
Early Warning Closed
Dear User,
{Signal_Type} is {Signal_Status} on application(s) {App_Names}.
For the detailed overview, Please select here.
Impacted Entry Point Service: NA
Suggested Root Cause at {RootCause_ServiceNames}
Severity: {Severity}
Started On: {StartTime}({TimzoneShortName})
Ended On: {EndTime}({TimzoneShortName})
Total {Total_Events} event(s) were detected on this {Signal_Type}
Appreciate your efforts !
Early Warning Upgraded
Dear User,
{Signal_Type} is {Signal_Status} on application(s) {App_Names}.
For the detailed overview, Please select here.
Impacted Entry Point Service: NA
Suggested Root Cause at {RootCause_ServiceNames}
Severity: {Severity}
Started On: {StartTime}({TimzoneShortName})
Ended On: {EndTime}({TimzoneShortName})
Total {Total_Events} event(s) were detected on this {Signal_Type}
Appreciate your efforts !
Info Signal Email Template
Subject: <Signal Type> [<Signal ID>: <Description>]
Dear User,
<Signal Type> signal is detected on metric category <KPI category> in service <affected service> on application(s) <Application name> at <detected time>. For the detailed overview, Please select here.
Total <Total Events Count> event(s) detected on this <Signal Type> signal
Batch Problem Open Email Template
Subject: Batch Problem[{Signal_ID}:{Batch_Job_Details}, Current Status: {batch_job_status}] {Signal_Status}
Dear User,
{Signal_Type} is {Signal_Status} on application {App_Names}.
For the detailed overview, Please select here.
Severity: {Severity}
Signal Started On: {StartTime}({TimzoneShortName})
Total {Total_Events} event(s) detected so far on this {Signal_Type}
Latest Event detected on this update on {Latest_Event_Time}:
Batch Group name:{Batch_Job_Group},Batch job id: {Batch_Job},KPI name: {KPI_Name},Actual Duration:{Actual_Duration},Unit: {KPI_Unit}, Expected Duration: {Expected_Duration}
Batch Problem Closed Email Template
Subject: Batch Problem[{Signal_ID}:{Batch_Job_Details}, Current Status: {batch_job_status}] {Signal_Status}
Dear User,
{Signal_Type} is {Signal_Status} on application {App_Names}.
For the detailed overview, Please select here.
Severity: {Severity}
Signal Started On: {StartTime}({TimzoneShortName})
Signal Ended On: {EndTime}({TimzoneShortName})
Total {Total_Events} event(s) detected so far on this {Signal_Type}
Latest Event detected on this update on {Latest_Event_Time}:
Batch Group name:{Batch_Job_Group},Batch job id: {Batch_Job},KPI name: {KPI_Name},Actual Duration:{Actual_Duration},Unit: {KPI_Unit}, Expected Duration: {Expected_Duration}
Forensic Email Template
Dear User,\r\n\r\nForensic is captured on metric KPI {KPIName} at {Event_Detected_Time}, category {CategoryName}, instance {InstanceName} in service {Affected_ServiceNames} on application(s) {App_Names}.\r\n\r\n Threshold Details are below,\r\n\r\nSeverity: {Severity} \r\nKPI Value:{KPIValue}\r\nOperation:{Operation}\r\nThreshold Value:Lower: {Lower} Upper: {Upper} \r\n\r\nFor more details kindly look into attachment.\r\n
Email Template Samples
Lead Problem Closed
Dear User,
Problem is CLOSED on application(s) LOS-DR,NetBanking-DR.
For the detailed overview, Please select here.
Impacted Entry Point Service: LOS-App-Service-DR
Suggested Root Cause at NB-App-Service-DR
Severity: Severe
Started On: 2020-12-30 22:15:00(GMT +09:00)
Ended On: 2020-12-30 22:25:20(GMT +09:00)
Top 1 request events details:-
Service Name | Affected Request Names | Affected Kpis | Events Count | Latest Event Detected Time |
LOS-App-Service-DR | GET#/txn/branchserver1.aspx|srv=LOS-App-Service-DR|acc=2 | Fail (Default),Slow Percentage (Default),Slow (Default),Response Time (Default),Volume (Default) | 88 | 2020-12-30 22:07:00 (GMT +09:00) |
Top 1 instance events details:-
Service Name | Affected Instance Names | Affected Kpis | Events Count | Latest Event Detected Time |
NB-App-Service-DR | RHEL_NB_App_Host_146_Inst_1-DR | Total Process Count (Default),Total Transactions Committed (Default),Process CPU Util (Default),Established Status (Default),CPU Util (Severe),CPU Util (Default),Listen Status (Default),Ping Status (Default),Process Running (Default) | 158 | 2020-12-30 22:15:00 (GMT +09:00) |
Signal Summary So Far:-
Service Name | Severe Events Count | Default Events Count | Affected Instance count | Affected Request count | Affected Kpi Categories | Latest Event Detected Time |
NB-App-Service-DR | 27 | 131 | 4 | 0 | AppserverTransaction,DBAvailability,CPU,Process,Network Utilization | 2020-12-30 22:15:00 (GMT +09:00) |
LOS-App-Service-DR | 0 | 88 | 0 | 10 | Errors,Volume,Slow | 2020-12-30 22:07:00 (GMT +09:00) |
Latest Events Details:-
- Event Id: AE2-52-1-C-ALL-26822241,Event Detected Time: 2020-12-30 22:20:00 (GMT +09:00),Service Name: NB-App-Service-DR,Instance name: RHEL_NB_App_Host_146_Inst_1-DR,Host address:,KPI name: CPU Util,KPI attribute: NA,Value: 8.84,Unit: Percentage,Operation: greater than,Lower threshold: 0.0,Upper Threshold: 0.0
- Event Id: AE2-52-254-C-,8080-26822241,Event Detected Time: 2020-12-30 22:20:00 (GMT +09:00),Service Name: NB-App-Service-DR,Instance name: RHEL_NB_App_Host_146_Inst_1-DR,Host address:,KPI name: Established Status,KPI attribute:,8080,Value: 0.0,Unit: Count,Operation: not equals,Lower threshold: 0.0,Upper Threshold: 0.0
- Event Id: AE2-52-254-C-,80-26822241,Event Detected Time: 2020-12-30 22:20:00 (GMT +09:00),Service Name: NB-App-Service-DR,Instance name: RHEL_NB_App_Host_146_Inst_1-DR,Host address:,KPI name: Established Status,KPI attribute:,80,Value: 0.0,Unit: Count,Operation: not equals,Lower threshold: 0.0,Upper Threshold: 0.0
- Event Id: AE2-52-255-C-,8080-26822241,Event Detected Time: 2020-12-30 22:20:00 (GMT +09:00),Service Name: NB-App-Service-DR,Instance name: RHEL_NB_App_Host_146_Inst_1-DR,Host address:,KPI name: Listen Status,KPI attribute:,8080,Value: 0.0,Unit: Count,Operation: not equals,Lower threshold: 0.0,Upper Threshold: 0.0
- Event Id: AE2-52-255-C-,80-26822241,Event Detected Time: 2020-12-30 22:20:00 (GMT +09:00),Service Name: NB-App-Service-DR,Instance name: RHEL_NB_App_Host_146_Inst_1-DR,Host address:,KPI name: Listen Status,KPI attribute:,80,Value: 0.0,Unit: Count,Operation: not equals,Lower threshold: 0.0,Upper Threshold: 0.0
- Event Id: AE2-52-250-C-httpd2-26822241,Event Detected Time: 2020-12-30 22:20:00 (GMT +09:00),Service Name: NB-App-Service-DR,Instance name: RHEL_NB_App_Host_146_Inst_1-DR,Host address:,KPI name: Process Running,KPI attribute: httpd2,Value: 0.0,Unit: Count,Operation: not equals,Lower threshold: 0.0,Upper Threshold: 0.0
- Event Id: AE2-52-250-C-httpd-26822241,Event Detected Time: 2020-12-30 22:20:00 (GMT +09:00),Service Name: NB-App-Service-DR,Instance name: RHEL_NB_App_Host_146_Inst_1-DR,Host address:,KPI name: Process Running,KPI attribute: httpd,Value: 0.0,Unit: Count,Operation: not equals,Lower threshold: 0.0,Upper Threshold: 0.0
- Event Id: AE2-52-251-C-,Event Detected Time: 2020-12-30 22:20:00 (GMT +09:00),Service Name: NB-App-Service-DR,Instance name: RHEL_NB_App_Host_146_Inst_1-DR,Host address:,KPI name: Ping Status,KPI attribute:,Value: 0.0,Unit: Count,Operation: not equals,Lower threshold: 0.0,Upper Threshold: 0.0
- Event Id: AE2-2-1-C-ALL-26822242,Event Detected Time: 2020-12-30 22:20:00 (GMT +09:00),Service Name: NB-App-Service-DR,Instance name: RHEL-APP-HOST-Cluster-DR,Host address:NA,KPI name: CPU Util,KPI attribute: NA,Value: 8.84,Unit: Percentage,Operation: greater than,Lower threshold: 0.0,Upper Threshold: 0.0
- Event Id: AE2-52-1-C-ALL-26822237,Event Detected Time: 2020-12-30 22:16:00 (GMT +09:00),Service Name: NB-App-Service-DR,Instance name: RHEL_NB_App_Host_146_Inst_1-DR,Host address:,KPI name: CPU Util,KPI attribute: NA,Value: 10.17,Unit: Percentage,Operation: greater than,Lower threshold: 0.0,Upper Threshold: 0.0
Appreciate your efforts !
Lead Problem Open
Dear User,
- Signal is open from past 0 Minutes
Problem is OPEN on application(s) NetBanking-DR.
Affected service(s): NB-App-Service-DR.
For the detailed overview, Please select here.
Impacted Entry Point Service: NB-App-Service-DR
Suggested Root Cause at NB-App-Service-DR
Affected Application(s): NetBanking-DR
Severity: Severe
Started On: 2020-12-29 17:57:00(GMT +10:00)
Signal Summary So Far:-
Service Name | Severe Events Count | Default Events Count | Affected Instance count | Affected Request count | Affected Kpi Categories | Latest Event Detected Time |
NB-App-Service-DR | 109 | 379 | 2 | 1 | DBAvailability,Volume,CPU | 2020-12-29 17:57:00 (GMT +10:00) |
Top 1 request events details:-
Service Name | Affected Request Names | Affected Kpis | Events Count | Latest Event Detected Time |
NB-App-Service-DR | GET#/netbank/Access/nbApp4005|srv=NB-App-Service-DR|acc=2 | Volume (Default) | 1 | 2020-12-29 17:57:00 (GMT +10:00) |
Top 1 instance events details:-
Service Name | Affected Instance Names | Affected Kpis | Events Count | Latest Event Detected Time |
NB-App-Service-DR | RHEL_NB_App_Host_146_Inst_1-DR | Established Status (Default),CPU Util (Severe),Listen Status (Default),Ping Status (Default),Process Running (Default) | 487 | 2020-12-29 16:43:00 (GMT +10:00) |
Total 488 event(s) detected so far on this Problem
Latest Events Details:-
- Event Id: AE-2-30-398-C-26820496,Event Detected Time: 2020-12-29 17:57:00 (GMT +10:00),Service Name: NB-App-Service-DR,Request Name: GET#/netbank/Access/nbApp4005|srv=NB-App-Service-DR|acc=2,Host address:NA,KPI name: Volume,KPI attribute: NA,Value: 25.0,Unit: Count,Operation: not between,Lower threshold: 9.0,Upper Threshold: 20.0
- Event Id: AE2-52-1-C-ALL-26820405,Event Detected Time: 2020-12-29 16:43:00 (GMT +10:00),Service Name: NB-App-Service-DR,Instance name: RHEL_NB_App_Host_146_Inst_1-DR,Host address:,KPI name: CPU Util,KPI attribute: NA,Value: 10.0,Unit: Percentage,Operation: greater than,Lower threshold: 0.0,Upper Threshold: 0.0
- Event Id: AE2-52-254-C-,80-26820405,Event Detected Time: 2020-12-29 16:43:00 (GMT +10:00),Service Name: NB-App-Service-DR,Instance name: RHEL_NB_App_Host_146_Inst_1-DR,Host address:,KPI name: Established Status,KPI attribute:,80,Value: 0.0,Unit: Count,Operation: not equals,Lower threshold: 0.0,Upper Threshold: 0.0
- Event Id: AE2-2-1-C-ALL-26820406,Event Detected Time: 2020-12-29 16:43:00 (GMT +10:00),Service Name: NB-App-Service-DR,Instance name: RHEL-APP-HOST-Cluster-DR,Host address:NA,KPI name: CPU Util,KPI attribute: NA,Value: 10.0,Unit: Percentage,Operation: greater than,Lower threshold: 0.0,Upper Threshold: 0.0
- Event Id: AE2-52-250-C-httpd2-26820405,Event Detected Time: 2020-12-29 16:43:00 (GMT +10:00),Service Name: NB-App-Service-DR,Instance name: RHEL_NB_App_Host_146_Inst_1-DR,Host address:,KPI name: Process Running,KPI attribute: httpd2,Value: 0.0,Unit: Count,Operation: not equals,Lower threshold: 0.0,Upper Threshold: 0.0
- Event Id: AE2-52-255-C-,80-26820405,Event Detected Time: 2020-12-29 16:43:00 (GMT +10:00),Service Name: NB-App-Service-DR,Instance name: RHEL_NB_App_Host_146_Inst_1-DR,Host address:,KPI name: Listen Status,KPI attribute:,80,Value: 0.0,Unit: Count,Operation: not equals,Lower threshold: 0.0,Upper Threshold: 0.0
- Event Id: AE2-52-251-C-,Event Detected Time: 2020-12-29 16:43:00 (GMT +10:00),Service Name: NB-App-Service-DR,Instance name: RHEL_NB_App_Host_146_Inst_1-DR,Host address:,KPI name: Ping Status,KPI attribute:,Value: 0.0,Unit: Count,Operation: not equals,Lower threshold: 0.0,Upper Threshold: 0.0
- Event Id: AE2-52-255-C-,8080-26820405,Event Detected Time: 2020-12-29 16:43:00 (GMT +10:00),Service Name: NB-App-Service-DR,Instance name: RHEL_NB_App_Host_146_Inst_1-DR,Host address:,KPI name: Listen Status,KPI attribute:,8080,Value: 0.0,Unit: Count,Operation: not equals,Lower threshold: 0.0,Upper Threshold: 0.0
- Event Id: AE2-52-254-C-,8080-26820405,Event Detected Time: 2020-12-29 16:43:00 (GMT +10:00),Service Name: NB-App-Service-DR,Instance name: RHEL_NB_App_Host_146_Inst_1-DR,Host address:,KPI name: Established Status,KPI attribute:,8080,Value: 0.0,Unit: Count,Operation: not equals,Lower threshold: 0.0,Upper Threshold: 0.0
- Event Id: AE2-52-250-C-httpd-26820405,Event Detected Time: 2020-12-29 16:43:00 (GMT +10:00),Service Name: NB-App-Service-DR,Instance name: RHEL_NB_App_Host_146_Inst_1-DR,Host address:,KPI name: Process Running,KPI attribute: httpd,Value: 0.0,Unit: Count,Operation: not equals,Lower threshold: 0.0,Upper Threshold: 0.0
Early Warning Open
Dear User,
- Signal is open from past 0 Minutes
Early Warning is OPEN on application(s) LOS-DR.
Affected service(s): LOS-Web-Service-DR.
For the detailed overview, please select here.
Impacted Entry Point Service: NA
Suggested Root Cause at LOS-Web-Service-DR
Affected Application(s): LOS-DR
Severity: Severe
Started On: 2020-12-28 17:35:00(GMT +08:00)
Signal Summary So Far:-
Top 1 instance events details:-
Service Name | Affected Instance Names | Affected Kpis | Events Count | Affected Request count |
LOS-Web-Service-DR | OHS_LOS_Web_110_Inst_1-DR | Time Wait (Severe) | 1 | 2020-12-28 17:35:00 (GMT +08:00) |
Total 1 event(s) detected so far on this Early Warning
Latest Events Details:-
- Event Id: AE2-84-46-C-443-26819137,Event Detected Time: 2020-12-28 17:35:00 (GMT +08:00),Service Name: LOS-Web-Service-DR,Instance name: OHS_LOS_Web_110_Inst_1-DR,Host address:,KPI name: Time Wait,KPI attribute: 443,Value: 3.0,Unit: Count,Operation: greater than,Lower threshold: 0.0,Upper Threshold: 0.0
Early Warning Closed
Dear User,
Early Warning is CLOSED on application(s) LOS-DR.
For the detailed overview, Please select here.
Impacted Entry Point Service: NA
Suggested Root Cause at LOS-Web-Service-DR
Severity: Severe
Started On: 2020-12-28 20:58:00(GMT +08:00)
Ended On: 2020-12-28 22:58:00(GMT +08:00)
Top 1 instance events details:-
Service Name | Affected Instance Names | Affected Kpis | Events Count | Latest Event Detected Time |
LOS-Web-Service-DR | OHS_LOS_Web_110_Inst_1-DR | Time Wait (Severe) | 22 | 2020-12-28 20:58:00 (GMT +08:00) |
Signal Summary So Far:-
Service Name | Severe Events Count | Default Events Count | Affected Instance count | Affected Request count | Affected Kpi Categories | Latest Event Detected Time |
LOS-Web-Service-DR | 22 | 0 | 1 | 0 | Network Utilization | 2020-12-28 20:58:00 (GMT +08:00) |
Total 22 event(s) were detected on this Early Warning
Latest Events Details:-
- Event Id: AE2-84-46-C-443-26819340,Event Detected Time: 2020-12-28 20:58:00 (GMT +08:00),Service Name: LOS-Web-Service-DR,Instance name: OHS_LOS_Web_110_Inst_1-DR,Host address:,KPI name: Time Wait,KPI attribute: 443,Value: 1.0,Unit: Count,Operation: greater than,Lower threshold: 0.0,Upper Threshold: 0.0
- Event Id: AE2-84-46-C-443-26819334,Event Detected Time: 2020-12-28 20:52:00 (GMT +08:00),Service Name: LOS-Web-Service-DR,Instance name: OHS_LOS_Web_110_Inst_1-DR,Host address:,KPI name: Time Wait,KPI attribute: 443,Value: 4.0,Unit: Count,Operation: greater than,Lower threshold: 0.0,Upper Threshold: 0.0
- Event Id: AE2-84-46-C-443-26819329,Event Detected Time: 2020-12-28 20:47:00 (GMT +08:00),Service Name: LOS-Web-Service-DR,Instance name: OHS_LOS_Web_110_Inst_1-DR,Host address:,KPI name: Time Wait,KPI attribute: 443,Value: 5.0,Unit: Count,Operation: greater than,Lower threshold: 0.0,Upper Threshold: 0.0
- Event Id: AE2-84-46-C-443-26819324,Event Detected Time: 2020-12-28 20:42:00 (GMT +08:00),Service Name: LOS-Web-Service-DR,Instance name: OHS_LOS_Web_110_Inst_1-DR,Host address:,KPI name: Time Wait,KPI attribute: 443,Value: 2.0,Unit: Count,Operation: greater than,Lower threshold: 0.0,Upper Threshold: 0.0
- Event Id: AE2-84-46-C-443-26819313,Event Detected Time: 2020-12-28 20:31:00 (GMT +08:00),Service Name: LOS-Web-Service-DR,Instance name: OHS_LOS_Web_110_Inst_1-DR,Host address:,KPI name: Time Wait,KPI attribute: 443,Value: 5.0,Unit: Count,Operation: greater than,Lower threshold: 0.0,Upper Threshold: 0.0
- Event Id: AE2-84-46-C-443-26819307,Event Detected Time: 2020-12-28 20:25:00 (GMT +08:00),Service Name: LOS-Web-Service-DR,Instance name: OHS_LOS_Web_110_Inst_1-DR,Host address:,KPI name: Time Wait,KPI attribute: 443,Value: 4.0,Unit: Count,Operation: greater than,Lower threshold: 0.0,Upper Threshold: 0.0
- Event Id: AE2-84-46-C-443-26819296,Event Detected Time: 2020-12-28 20:14:00 (GMT +08:00),Service Name: LOS-Web-Service-DR,Instance name: OHS_LOS_Web_110_Inst_1-DR,Host address:,KPI name: Time Wait,KPI attribute: 443,Value: 5.0,Unit: Count,Operation: greater than,Lower threshold: 0.0,Upper Threshold: 0.0
- Event Id: AE2-84-46-C-443-26819279,Event Detected Time: 2020-12-28 19:57:00 (GMT +08:00),Service Name: LOS-Web-Service-DR,Instance name: OHS_LOS_Web_110_Inst_1-DR,Host address:,KPI name: Time Wait,KPI attribute: 443,Value: 4.0,Unit: Count,Operation: greater than,Lower threshold: 0.0,Upper Threshold: 0.0
- Event Id: AE2-84-46-C-443-26819247,Event Detected Time: 2020-12-28 19:25:00 (GMT +08:00),Service Name: LOS-Web-Service-DR,Instance name: OHS_LOS_Web_110_Inst_1-DR,Host address:,KPI name: Time Wait,KPI attribute: 443,Value: 5.0,Unit: Count,Operation: greater than,Lower threshold: 0.0,Upper Threshold: 0.0
- Event Id: AE2-84-46-C-443-26819241,Event Detected Time: 2020-12-28 19:19:00 (GMT +08:00),Service Name: LOS-Web-Service-DR,Instance name: OHS_LOS_Web_110_Inst_1-DR,Host address:,KPI name: Time Wait,KPI attribute: 443,Value: 3.0,Unit: Count,Operation: greater than,Lower threshold: 0.0,Upper Threshold: 0.0
- Event Id: AE2-84-46-C-443-26819230,Event Detected Time: 2020-12-28 19:08:00 (GMT +08:00),Service Name: LOS-Web-Service-DR,Instance name: OHS_LOS_Web_110_Inst_1-DR,Host address:,KPI name: Time Wait,KPI attribute: 443,Value: 5.0,Unit: Count,Operation: greater than,Lower threshold: 0.0,Upper Threshold: 0.0
- Event Id: AE2-84-46-C-443-26819219,Event Detected Time: 2020-12-28 18:57:00 (GMT +08:00),Service Name: LOS-Web-Service-DR,Instance name: OHS_LOS_Web_110_Inst_1-DR,Host address:,KPI name: Time Wait,KPI attribute: 443,Value: 5.0,Unit: Count,Operation: greater than,Lower threshold: 0.0,Upper Threshold: 0.0
- Event Id: AE2-84-46-C-443-26819213,Event Detected Time: 2020-12-28 18:51:00 (GMT +08:00),Service Name: LOS-Web-Service-DR,Instance name: OHS_LOS_Web_110_Inst_1-DR,Host address:,KPI name: Time Wait,KPI attribute: 443,Value: 3.0,Unit: Count,Operation: greater than,Lower threshold: 0.0,Upper Threshold: 0.0
- Event Id: AE2-84-46-C-443-26819203,Event Detected Time: 2020-12-28 18:41:00 (GMT +08:00),Service Name: LOS-Web-Service-DR,Instance name: OHS_LOS_Web_110_Inst_1-DR,Host address:,KPI name: Time Wait,KPI attribute: 443,Value: 4.0,Unit: Count,Operation: greater than,Lower threshold: 0.0,Upper Threshold: 0.0
- Event Id: AE2-84-46-C-443-26819192,Event Detected Time: 2020-12-28 18:30:00 (GMT +08:00),Service Name: LOS-Web-Service-DR,Instance name: OHS_LOS_Web_110_Inst_1-DR,Host address:,KPI name: Time Wait,KPI attribute: 443,Value: 5.0,Unit: Count,Operation: greater than,Lower threshold: 0.0,Upper Threshold: 0.0
- Event Id: AE2-84-46-C-443-26819186,Event Detected Time: 2020-12-28 18:24:00 (GMT +08:00),Service Name: LOS-Web-Service-DR,Instance name: OHS_LOS_Web_110_Inst_1-DR,Host address:,KPI name: Time Wait,KPI attribute: 443,Value: 3.0,Unit: Count,Operation: greater than,Lower threshold: 0.0,Upper Threshold: 0.0
- Event Id: AE2-84-46-C-443-26819175,Event Detected Time: 2020-12-28 18:13:00 (GMT +08:00),Service Name: LOS-Web-Service-DR,Instance name: OHS_LOS_Web_110_Inst_1-DR,Host address:,KPI name: Time Wait,KPI attribute: 443,Value: 5.0,Unit: Count,Operation: greater than,Lower threshold: 0.0,Upper Threshold: 0.0
- Event Id: AE2-84-46-C-443-26819164,Event Detected Time: 2020-12-28 18:02:00 (GMT +08:00),Service Name: LOS-Web-Service-DR,Instance name: OHS_LOS_Web_110_Inst_1-DR,Host address:,KPI name: Time Wait,KPI attribute: 443,Value: 5.0,Unit: Count,Operation: greater than,Lower threshold: 0.0,Upper Threshold: 0.0
- Event Id: AE2-84-46-C-443-26819158,Event Detected Time: 2020-12-28 17:56:00 (GMT +08:00),Service Name: LOS-Web-Service-DR,Instance name: OHS_LOS_Web_110_Inst_1-DR,Host address:,KPI name: Time Wait,KPI attribute: 443,Value: 2.0,Unit: Count,Operation: greater than,Lower threshold: 0.0,Upper Threshold: 0.0
- Event Id: AE2-84-46-C-443-26819153,Event Detected Time: 2020-12-28 17:51:00 (GMT +08:00),Service Name: LOS-Web-Service-DR,Instance name: OHS_LOS_Web_110_Inst_1-DR,Host address:,KPI name: Time Wait,KPI attribute: 443,Value: 1.0,Unit: Count,Operation: greater than,Lower threshold: 0.0,Upper Threshold: 0.0
- Event Id: AE2-84-46-C-443-26819148,Event Detected Time: 2020-12-28 17:46:00 (GMT +08:00),Service Name: LOS-Web-Service-DR,Instance name: OHS_LOS_Web_110_Inst_1-DR,Host address:,KPI name: Time Wait,KPI attribute: 443,Value: 4.0,Unit: Count,Operation: greater than,Lower threshold: 0.0,Upper Threshold: 0.0
- Event Id: AE2-84-46-C-443-26819137,Event Detected Time: 2020-12-28 17:35:00 (GMT +08:00),Service Name: LOS-Web-Service-DR,Instance name: OHS_LOS_Web_110_Inst_1-DR,Host address:,KPI name: Time Wait,KPI attribute: 443,Value: 3.0,Unit: Count,Operation: greater than,Lower threshold: 0.0,Upper Threshold: 0.0
Appreciate your efforts !
Early Warning Upgraded
Dear User,
Early Warning is UPGRADED on application(s) LOS-DR,NetBanking-DR.
For the detailed overview, Please select here.
Impacted Entry Point Service: NA
Suggested Root Cause at NB-App-Service-DR
Severity: Severe
Started On: 2020-12-30 21:10:00(GMT +10:00)
Ended On: 2020-12-30 21:10:00(GMT +10:00)
Top 1 instance events details:-
Service Name | Affected Instance Names | Affected Kpis | Events Count | Latest Event Detected Time |
NB-App-Service-DR | RHEL_NB_App_Host_146_Inst_1-DR | Total Process Count (Default),Total Transactions Committed (Default),Process CPU Util (Default),Established Status (Default),CPU Util (Severe),Listen Status (Default),CPU Util (Default),Process Running (Default),Ping Status (Default) | 58 | 2020-12-30 21:26:00 (GMT +10:00) |
Signal Summary So Far:-
Service Name | Severe Events Count | Default Events Count | Affected Instance count | Affected Request count | Affected Kpi Categories |
NB-App-Service-DR | 10 | 48 | 4 | 0 | AppserverTransaction,DBAvailability,CPU,Process,Network Utilization |
LOS-App-Service-DR | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | Slow |
Total 59 event(s) were detected on this Early Warning
Latest Events Details:-
- Event Id: AE2-52-1-C-ALL-26822127,Event Detected Time: 2020-12-30 21:26:00 (GMT +10:00),Service Name: NB-App-Service-DR,Instance name: RHEL_NB_App_Host_146_Inst_1-DR,Host address:,KPI name: CPU Util,KPI attribute: NA,Value: 9.48,Unit: Percentage,Operation: greater than,Lower threshold: 0.0,Upper Threshold: 0.0
- Event Id: AE2-52-254-C-,8080-26822127,Event Detected Time: 2020-12-30 21:26:00 (GMT +10:00),Service Name: NB-App-Service-DR,Instance name: RHEL_NB_App_Host_146_Inst_1-DR,Host address:,KPI name: Established Status,KPI attribute:,8080,Value: 0.0,Unit: Count,Operation: not equals,Lower threshold: 0.0,Upper Threshold: 0.0
- Event Id: AE2-52-254-C-,80-26822127,Event Detected Time: 2020-12-30 21:26:00 (GMT +10:00),Service Name: NB-App-Service-DR,Instance name: RHEL_NB_App_Host_146_Inst_1-DR,Host address:,KPI name: Established Status,KPI attribute:,80,Value: 0.0,Unit: Count,Operation: not equals,Lower threshold: 0.0,Upper Threshold: 0.0
- Event Id: AE2-52-255-C-,8080-26822127,Event Detected Time: 2020-12-30 21:26:00 (GMT +10:00),Service Name: NB-App-Service-DR,Instance name: RHEL_NB_App_Host_146_Inst_1-DR,Host address:,KPI name: Listen Status,KPI attribute:,8080,Value: 0.0,Unit: Count,Operation: not equals,Lower threshold: 0.0,Upper Threshold: 0.0
- Event Id: AE2-52-255-C-,80-26822127,Event Detected Time: 2020-12-30 21:26:00 (GMT +10:00),Service Name: NB-App-Service-DR,Instance name: RHEL_NB_App_Host_146_Inst_1-DR,Host address:,KPI name: Listen Status,KPI attribute:,80,Value: 0.0,Unit: Count,Operation: not equals,Lower threshold: 0.0,Upper Threshold: 0.0
- Event Id: AE2-52-251-C-,Event Detected Time: 2020-12-30 21:26:00 (GMT +10:00),Service Name: NB-App-Service-DR,Instance name: RHEL_NB_App_Host_146_Inst_1-DR,Host address:,KPI name: Ping Status,KPI attribute:,Value: 0.0,Unit: Count,Operation: not equals,Lower threshold: 0.0,Upper Threshold: 0.0
- Event Id: AE2-52-250-C-httpd2-26822127,Event Detected Time: 2020-12-30 21:26:00 (GMT +10:00),Service Name: NB-App-Service-DR,Instance name: RHEL_NB_App_Host_146_Inst_1-DR,Host address:,KPI name: Process Running,KPI attribute: httpd2,Value: 0.0,Unit: Count,Operation: not equals,Lower threshold: 0.0,Upper Threshold: 0.0
- Event Id: AE2-52-250-C-httpd-26822127,Event Detected Time: 2020-12-30 21:26:00 (GMT +10:00),Service Name: NB-App-Service-DR,Instance name: RHEL_NB_App_Host_146_Inst_1-DR,Host address:,KPI name: Process Running,KPI attribute: httpd,Value: 0.0,Unit: Count,Operation: not equals,Lower threshold: 0.0,Upper Threshold: 0.0
- Event Id: AE2-2-1-C-ALL-26822128,Event Detected Time: 2020-12-30 21:26:00 (GMT +10:00),Service Name: NB-App-Service-DR,Instance name: RHEL-APP-HOST-Cluster-DR,Host address:NA,KPI name: CPU Util,KPI attribute: NA,Value: 9.48,Unit: Percentage,Operation: greater than,Lower threshold: 0.0,Upper Threshold: 0.0
- Event Id: AE2-52-1-C-ALL-26822123,Event Detected Time: 2020-12-30 21:22:00 (GMT +10:00),Service Name: NB-App-Service-DR,Instance name: RHEL_NB_App_Host_146_Inst_1-DR,Host address:,KPI name: CPU Util,KPI attribute: NA,Value: 10.84,Unit: Percentage,Operation: greater than,Lower threshold: 0.0,Upper Threshold: 0.0
Appreciate your efforts !
Reminder Email Notification
Dear User,
Signal is open from past 30 Minutes
Early Warning is OPEN on application(s) LOS-DR.
Affected service(s): LOS-Web-Service-DR.
For the detailed overview, Please select here.
Impacted Entry Point Service: NA
Suggested Root Cause at LOS-Web-Service-DR
Affected Application(s): LOS-DR
Severity: Severe
Started On: 2020-12-28 18:02:00(GMT +08:00)
Signal Summary So Far:-
Service Name | Severe Events Count | Default Events Count | Affected Instance count | Affected Request count | Affected Kpi Categories | Latest Event Detected Time |
LOS-Web-Service-DR | 5 | 0 | 1 | 0 | Network Utilization | 2020-12-28 18:02:00 (GMT +08:00) |
Top 1 instance events details:-
Service Name | Affected Instance Names | Affected Kpis | Events Count | Latest Event Detected Time |
LOS-Web-Service-DR | OHS_LOS_Web_110_Inst_1-DR | Time Wait (Severe) | 5 | 2020-12-28 18:02:00 (GMT +08:00) |
Total 5 event(s) detected so far on this Early Warning
Latest Events Details:-
- Event Id: AE2-84-46-C-443-26819164,Event Detected Time: 2020-12-28 18:02:00 (GMT +08:00),Service Name: LOS-Web-Service-DR,Instance name: OHS_LOS_Web_110_Inst_1-DR,Host address:,KPI name: Time Wait,KPI attribute: 443,Value: 5.0,Unit: Count,Operation: greater than,Lower threshold: 0.0,Upper Threshold: 0.0
- Event Id: AE2-84-46-C-443-26819158,Event Detected Time: 2020-12-28 17:56:00 (GMT +08:00),Service Name: LOS-Web-Service-DR,Instance name: OHS_LOS_Web_110_Inst_1-DR,Host address:,KPI name: Time Wait,KPI attribute: 443,Value: 2.0,Unit: Count,Operation: greater than,Lower threshold: 0.0,Upper Threshold: 0.0
- Event Id: AE2-84-46-C-443-26819153,Event Detected Time: 2020-12-28 17:51:00 (GMT +08:00),Service Name: LOS-Web-Service-DR,Instance name: OHS_LOS_Web_110_Inst_1-DR,Host address:,KPI name: Time Wait,KPI attribute: 443,Value: 1.0,Unit: Count,Operation: greater than,Lower threshold: 0.0,Upper Threshold: 0.0
- Event Id: AE2-84-46-C-443-26819148,Event Detected Time: 2020-12-28 17:46:00 (GMT +08:00),Service Name: LOS-Web-Service-DR,Instance name: OHS_LOS_Web_110_Inst_1-DR,Host address:,KPI name: Time Wait,KPI attribute: 443,Value: 4.0,Unit: Count,Operation: greater than,Lower threshold: 0.0,Upper Threshold: 0.0
- Event Id: AE2-84-46-C-443-26819137,Event Detected Time: 2020-12-28 17:35:00 (GMT +08:00),Service Name: LOS-Web-Service-DR,Instance name: OHS_LOS_Web_110_Inst_1-DR,Host address:,KPI name: Time Wait,KPI attribute: 443,Value: 3.0,Unit: Count,Operation: greater than,Lower threshold: 0.0,Upper Threshold: 0.0
Info Signal Detected
Subject: Signal_Type} [I-2-9-2-26872957: Events detected in category Uptime for service NB-Web-Service-DR]
Dear User,
Info signal is detected on metric category Uptime in service NB-Web-Service-DR on application(s) NetBanking-DR at 2021-02-04 00:08:00(GMT +05:30).
For the detailed overview, Please select here.
Total 1 event(s) detected on this Info signal
Signal Summary So Far:-
Service Name | Severe Events Count | Default Events Count | Affected Instance count | Affected Request count | Affected Kpi Categories | Latest Event Detected Time |
NB-Web-Service-DR | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | Uptime | 2021-02-04 00:08:00 (GMT +05:30) |
Latest Events Details:-
- Event Id: AE2-49-48-C-ALL-26872957,Event Detected Time: 2021-02-04 00:08:00 (GMT +05:30),Service Name: NB-Web-Service-DR,Instance name: RHEL_NB_Web_Host_154_Inst_1-DR,Host address:,KPI name: Uptime Days,KPI attribute: NA,Value: 15.0,Unit: Count,Operation: greater than,Lower threshold: 1.0,Upper Threshold: 0.0
Config Watch Info Signal for Version Change of Database Component
Subject: Info [I-9-56-99-27235265: Events detected in category Config for service Postgres-DB-Service]
Dear User,
Info signal is detected on metric category Config in service Postgres-DB-Service on application(s) Postgres at 2021-10-13 14:29:00(GMT +05:30). Severity: Default For the detailed overview, Please select here.
Total 1 event(s) detected on this Info signal
Signal Summary So Far:-
Service Name | Severe Events Count | Default Events Count | Affected Instance count | Affected Request count | Affected Kpi Categories | Latest Event Detected Time |
Postgres-DB-Service | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | Config | 2021-10-13 14:29:00 (GMT +05:30) |
Latest Events Details:-
- Event Id: AE9-274-1012-T-DBVersion-27235265,Event Detected Time: 2021-10-13 14:29:00 (GMT +05:30),Service Name: Postgres-DB-Service,Instance name: Postgres-232-DB,KPI name: Component Properties,Unit: Text,Operation: Modified,Host address:,File name:NA,Parameter Name:DBVersion,New Value: PostgreSQL 13.4 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (GCC) 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-44), 64-bit,Old Value: PostgreSQL 10.18 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (GCC) 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-44), 64-bit
Batch Problem Open
Subject: Batch Problem[B-2-test000410-1615808749:test00:test000410, Current Status: Running] OPEN
Dear User,
Batch Job Problem is OPEN on application NetBanking-DR.
For the detailed overview, Please select here.
Severity: Severe
Signal Started On: 2021-03-15 17:00:00(GMT +05:30)
Total 1 event(s) detected so far on this Batch Job
Latest Event detected on this update on 2021-03-15 17:00:00:
Batch Group name:test00,Batch job id: test000410,KPI name: Duration,Actual Duration:889717.28,Unit: Seconds, Expected Duration: 90.0
Latest Events Details:-
- Event Id: AE-B-test000410-1615808748,Event Detected Time: 2021-03-15 17:00:00 (GMT +05:30),Application Name: netbanking_1_DR,Batch job id: test000410,KPI name: Duration,KPI attribute: NA,Value: 889717.28,Unit: Seconds,Operation: not equals,Batch Group name:test00,Actual Duration: 889717.28,Expected Duration: 90.0
Batch Problem Closed
Subject: Batch Problem[B-2-test000410-1615808749:test00:test000410, Current Status: Running] CLOSED
Dear User,
Batch Job Problem is CLOSED on application NetBanking-DR.
For the detailed overview, Please select here.
Severity: Severe
Signal Started On: 2021-03-15 17:00:00(GMT +05:30)
Signal Ended On: 2021-03-15 17:16:36(GMT +05:30)
Total 1 event(s) detected so far on this Batch Job
Latest Event detected on this update on 2021-03-15 17:00:00:
Batch Group name:test00,Batch job id: test000410,KPI name: Duration,Actual Duration:889717.28,Unit: Seconds, Expected Duration: 90.0
Latest Events Details:-
Event Id: AE-B-test000410-1615808748,Event Detected Time: 2021-03-15 17:00:00 (GMT +05:30),Application Name: netbanking_1_DR,Batch job id: test000410,KPI name: Duration,KPI attribute: NA,Value: 889717.28,Unit: Seconds,Operation: not equals,Batch Group name:test00,Actual Duration: 889717.28,Expected Duration: 90.0
Forensic Email Notification
Subject: AE2-70-16-T-vdc1-27197564 : fetch_disio_forensics: forensics detected in category Disk IO for service [ENET-DB-Service-DC, ENET-App-Service-DC, ENET-Web-Service-DC]
Dear User,
Forensic is captured on metric KPI Device Busy at 1631853780000, category Disk IO, instance SOLARIS_ENET_HOST_112_Inst_1-DC in service [ENET-DB-Service-DC, ENET-App-Service-DC, ENET-Web-Service-DC] on application(s) [enet_3_DC].
Threshold Details are below,
Severity: Default
KPI Value:0.0
Operation:not between
Threshold Value:Lower: 4.0 Upper: 6.0
For more details kindly look into attachment.
Attachment Contents
Name: sar#@#@#APPSONE_NEWLINE#@#@#Description: Disk Utilization and performance#@#@#APPSONE_NEWLINE#@#@#Start Time: 09-17-2021, 04:46:10#@#@#APPSONE_NEWLINE#@#@#End Time: 09-17-2021, 04:46:11#@#@#APPSONE_NEWLINE#@#@#Execute Status: Failed#@#@#APPSONE_NEWLINE#@#@#ReturnCode: E5001#@#@#APPSONE_NEWLINE#@#@#KeyValueOutput: #@#@#APPSONE_NEWLINE#@#@#Output:Error:
Invalid number of arguments received
Sample Email Notification With Recipient List
From: <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 2, 2021 7:10 PM
To: Anup Kumar B R
Cc: Raghavendra Mirajkar G; Chipurupalli Raviteja
Subject: Early Warning [E-11-974-103-27263811: Event(s) in Postgres-DB-Service root cause service(s) may impact transaction performance.] OPEN
Dear User,
Signal is open from past 8 Hours 59 Minutes
New Severe event(s) got added to the timeline
Early Warning is OPEN on application(s) Postgres.
Affected service(s): Postgres-DB-Service
Postgres-232-DB, Locks Awaited, 2021-11-02 19:06:00, NA
For the detailed overview, Please select here.
Impacted Entry Point Service: NA
Suggested Root Cause at Postgres-DB-Service
Affected Application(s): Postgres
Severity: Severe
Started On: 2021-11-02 10:10:00(GMT +05:30)
Signal Summary So Far:-
Service Name | Severe Events Count | Default Events Count | Affected Instance count | Affected Request count | Affected Kpi Categories | Latest Event Detected Time |
Postgres-DB-Service | 2012 | 1300 | 6 | 0 | DBAvailability,Host availability,Stats,CPU,Lock | 2021-11-02 19:06:00 (GMT +05:30) |
Top 6 instance events details:-
Service Name | Affected Instance Names | Affected Kpis | Events Count | Latest Event Detected Time |
Postgres-DB-Service | Postgres-232-DB | Locks Held (Severe),Locks Awaited (Severe) | 453 | 2021-11-02 19:06:00 (GMT +05:30) |
Postgres-DB-Service | Postgres-232-Host | Heal Host Availability (Default),Established Status (Default),CPU Util (Severe),Ping Status (Severe) | 760 | 2021-11-02 19:05:00 (GMT +05:30) |
Postgres-DB-Service | Postgres-63-DB | Locks Held (Severe),Locks Awaited (Default),Buffers Backend (Severe) | 583 | 2021-11-02 19:06:00 (GMT +05:30) |
Postgres-DB-Service | Postgres-63-Host | Heal Host Availability (Default),Established Status (Default),CPU Util (Severe),Ping Status (Severe) | 758 | 2021-11-02 19:05:00 (GMT +05:30) |
Postgres-DB-Service | Postgres-DB-Cluster | Locks Held (Severe),Locks Awaited (Default),Buffers Backend (Severe) | 583 | 2021-11-02 19:04:00 (GMT +05:30) |
Postgres-DB-Service | Postgres-178-Host | Heal Host Availability (Default) | 175 | 2021-11-02 19:07:00 (GMT +05:30) |
Total 3312 event(s) detected so far on this Early Warning
Latest Events Details:-
- Event Id: AE11-241-747-T-ALL-27264336,Event Detected Time: 2021-11-02 19:07:00 (GMT +05:30),Service Name: Postgres-DB-Service,Instance name: Postgres-63-Host,KPI name: Heal Host Availability,Unit: NA,Operation: NA,Host address:,KPI attribute: NA,Value: Not available,Lower threshold: NA,Upper Threshold: NA
- Event Id: AE11-242-747-T-ALL-27264336,Event Detected Time: 2021-11-02 19:07:00 (GMT +05:30),Service Name: Postgres-DB-Service,Instance name: Postgres-178-Host,KPI name: Heal Host Availability,Unit: NA,Operation: NA,Host address:,KPI attribute: NA,Value: Not available,Lower threshold: NA,Upper Threshold: NA
- Event Id: AE11-243-747-T-ALL-27264336,Event Detected Time: 2021-11-02 19:07:00 (GMT +05:30),Service Name: Postgres-DB-Service,Instance name: Postgres-232-Host,KPI name: Heal Host Availability,Unit: NA,Operation: NA,Host address:,KPI attribute: NA,Value: Not available,Lower threshold: NA,Upper Threshold: NA
- Event Id: AE11-246-974-T-ALL-27264338,Event Detected Time: 2021-11-02 19:06:00 (GMT +05:30),Service Name: Postgres-DB-Service,Instance name: Postgres-232-DB,KPI name: Locks Awaited,Unit: Count,Operation: lesser than,Host address:,KPI attribute: NA,Value: 0.0,Lower threshold: 1.0,Upper Threshold: 0.0
- Event Id: AE11-241-747-T-ALL-27264334,Event Detected Time: 2021-11-02 19:05:00 (GMT +05:30),Service Name: Postgres-DB-Service,Instance name: Postgres-63-Host,KPI name: Heal Host Availability,Unit: NA,Operation: NA,Host address:,KPI attribute: NA,Value: Not available,Lower threshold: NA,Upper Threshold: NA
- Event Id: AE11-242-747-T-ALL-27264334,Event Detected Time: 2021-11-02 19:05:00 (GMT +05:30),Service Name: Postgres-DB-Service,Instance name: Postgres-178-Host,KPI name: Heal Host Availability,Unit: NA,Operation: NA,Host address:,KPI attribute: NA,Value: Not available,Lower threshold: NA,Upper Threshold: NA
- Event Id: AE11-243-747-T-ALL-27264334,Event Detected Time: 2021-11-02 19:05:00 (GMT +05:30),Service Name: Postgres-DB-Service,Instance name: Postgres-232-Host,KPI name: Heal Host Availability,Unit: NA,Operation: NA,Host address:,KPI attribute: NA,Value: Not available,Lower threshold: NA,Upper Threshold: NA
- Event Id: AE11-243-1-T-ALL-27264337,Event Detected Time: 2021-11-02 19:05:00 (GMT +05:30),Service Name: Postgres-DB-Service,Instance name: Postgres-232-Host,KPI name: CPU Util,Unit: Percentage,Operation: greater than,Host address:,KPI attribute: NA,Value: 0.26,Lower threshold: 0.1,Upper Threshold: 0.0
- Event Id: AE11-246-973-T-ALL-27264337,Event Detected Time: 2021-11-02 19:05:00 (GMT +05:30),Service Name: Postgres-DB-Service,Instance name: Postgres-232-DB,KPI name: Locks Held,Unit: Count,Operation: greater than,Host address:,KPI attribute: NA,Value: 1.0,Lower threshold: 0.0,Upper Threshold: 0.0
- Event Id: AE11-243-251-T-,Event Detected Time: 2021-11-02 19:05:00 (GMT +05:30),Service Name: Postgres-DB-Service,Instance name: Postgres-232-Host,KPI name: Ping Status,Unit: NA,Operation: NA,Host address:,KPI attribute:,Value: Not available,Lower threshold: NA,Upper Threshold: NA
- Event Id: AE11-246-974-T-ALL-27264338,Event Detected Time: 2021-11-02 19:06:00 (GMT +05:30),Service Name: Postgres-DB-Service,Instance name: Postgres-232-DB,KPI name: Locks Awaited,Unit: Count,Operation: lesser than,Host address:,KPI attribute: NA,Value: 0.0,Lower threshold: 1.0,Upper Threshold: 0.0
SMS Templates
Note: All the variables defined for Email Template are applicable for SMS as well.
Template for Lead Signal Open
<Signal Type> [<Signal ID>: <Description>] <Status> on application(s) <Application Names>. Affected Service(s): <Affected Service>, Affected Application(s): <Affected Service>. For the detailed overview, please login to HEAL and navigate to Signal list to open the report.
Template for Lead Signal Upgraded or Closed
<Signal Type> [<Signal ID>: <Description>] <Status> on application(s) <Application Names>. For the detailed overview, please login to Heal and navigate to Signal list to open report. Appreciate your efforts !
Info Signal SMS Template
<Signal Type> [<Signal ID>: <Description>] signal detected on metric category <Kpi category> in service <Affected Service> on Application(s): <Affected application>. For the detailed overview, please login to Heal and navigate to info Signal list to view details.
Info Signal SMS Template for Config Watch KPIs
{Signal_Type} [{Signal_ID}: Events detected in category {KPI_Category} for service {Affected_ServiceNames}] on Application(s): {Affected_ApplicationNames}
{Latest_Events_SMS}. For the detailed overview, please login to Heal and navigate to info Signal list to view details.
Template for Batch Problem Open
Batch Problem [{Batch_Job_Group}: Batch Job {Batch_Job}, Event detected: {batch_job_status}, Current Status: {batch_job_status}] open on application {App_Names}. Actual Duration: {Actual_Duration}, unit: {KPI_Unit}, Expected Duration: {Expected_Duration}.For the detailed overview, please login to Heal and navigate to Signal list to view details.
Template for Batch Problem Closed
Batch Problem [{Batch_Job_Group}: Batch Job {Batch_Job}, Event detected: {batch_job_status}, Current Status: {batch_job_status}] closed on application {App_Names}. Actual Duration: {Actual_Duration}, unit: {KPI_Unit}, Expected Duration: {Expected_Duration}.For the detailed overview, please login to Heal and navigate to Signal list to view details.
SMS Template Samples
Lead Problem Open, Update 1 and Update 2
Problem [112558: Travel Web transactions failing] open on application(s) Travels. Affected Service(s): Travel Web, Affected Applications: — For the detailed overview, please login to HEAL and navigate to Signal list to open report.
Problem [112558: Travel Web transactions failing] update on application(s) Travels. Affected Service(s): Hotels, Hotel Inventory, Affected Applications: —. For the detailed overview, please login to HEAL and navigate to Signal list to open report.
Problem [112558: Travel Web transactions failing] update on application(s) Travels. Affected Service(s): Bookings, Affected Applications: Flights For the detailed overview, please login to HEAL and navigate to Signal list to open report.
Early Warning Open, Update 1 and Update 2
- Early Warning [112556: Metric breaches in services can potentially impact Travels application(s)] open on application(s) Travels. Affected Service(s): Travel Web, Affected Applications: —. For the detailed overview, please login to HEAL and navigate to Signal list to open report.
- Early Warning [112556: Metric breaches in services can potentially impact Travels application(s)] update on application(s) Travels. Affected Service(s): Hotels, Hotel Inventory , Affected Applications: —. For the detailed overview, please login to HEAL and navigate to Signal list to open report.
- Early Warning [112556: Metric breaches in services can potentially impact Travels application(s)] update on application(s) Travels. Affected Service(s): Bookings , Affected Applications: Flights. For the detailed overview, please login to HEAL and navigate to Signal list to open report.
Lead Problem Closed
Problem [112558: Travel Web transactions failing] closed on application(s) Travels. For the detailed overview, please login to HEAL and navigate to Signal list to open report. Appreciate your efforts !
Early Warning Closed
Early Warning [112556: Metric breaches in services can potentially impact Travels application(s)] closed on application(s) Travels. For the detailed overview, please login to HEAL and navigate to Signal list to open report. Appreciate your efforts !
Info Signal Detected
Info [I-2-94-2-26874081: Info: Transaction performance may get affected due to issues in services] signal detected on metric category Uptime_info in service NB-Web-Service-DR on Application(s): NetBanking-DR. For the detailed overview, please login to Heal and navigate to info Signal list to view details.”
Info Signal for Config Watch KPIs
Property Watch Sample
“Info [I-2-56-4-26990982: Events detected in category Config for service NB-DB-Service-DR] on Application(s): NetBanking-DR\r\nStatus:OPEN\r\nInstance Name:RHEL_NB_DB_Host_176_Inst_1-DR\r\nKpi name:File Watch\r\nFile name:/home/raghav/ConfigDataDR/\r\nOperation:Modified\r\nNew Value:db2dc77382d03161175918c9b771d8b4\r\nOld Value:4e90699ed82c62fddb5c507d4941c306\r\nTime:2021-04-26 23:14:00. For the detailed overview, please login to Heal and navigate to info Signal list to view details.”
File Watch Sample
“Info [I-8-56-99-26995358: Events detected in category Config for service NB-Finacle-Service] on Application(s): NetBanking\r\nStatus:OPEN\r\nInstance Name:RHEL_NB_Finacle_Host_204_Inst_1\r\nKpi name:File Watch\r\nFile name:/opt/appnomic/ConfigData/\r\nOperation:Added\r\nNew Value:d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e\r\nOld Value:NA\r\nTime:2021-04-30 03:36:00. For the detailed overvi ew, please login to Heal and navigate to info Signal list to view details.”
Batch Problem Open
Batch Problem [test00: Batch Job test000410, Event detected: OPEN, Current Status: OPEN] open on application NetBanking-DR. Actual Duration: , unit : Milliseconds, Expected Duration: .For the detailed overview, please login to Heal and navigate to Signal list to view details.
Batch Problem Closed
Batch Problem [test00: Batch Job test000410, Event detected: CLOSED, Current Status: CLOSED] closed on application NetBanking-DR. Actual Duration: , unit: Milliseconds, Expected Duration: .For the detailed overview, please login to Heal and navigate to Signal list to view details