How Can We Help?
This section describes the usage of Query APIs to get details on events raised for behavior KPIs.
Details of Behavior Events
To get details of time-series events raised on a service for group and non-group behavior KPIs, use the ‘behavior-events’ Query API as follows:
API Name – behaviour-events
Format – GET /config/accounts/{accountId}/services/{serviceId}/behaviour-events
Input Parameters
Type | Name | Description | Schema | Mandatory / Optional |
Path | accountId | ID or Identifier of an Account | string | Mandatory |
Path | serviceId | ID or Identifier of a service | string | Mandatory |
Query | from | Time Range in GMT format | string | Mandatory |
Query | to | String | Mandatory |
Output Parameters
Output Type: CSV
- Instance ID – Unique ID of a host or component instance.
- Instance Name – Name of an instance.
- Host Address – IP address or domain name of an instance running on the host.
- Time – Time Stamp in GMT at which KPI value is collected.
- KPI Type – Type of a KPI (metric (core as per DB), Availability).
- KPI Id – Unique ID of a behavior KPI.
- KPI Name – Name of a KPI.
- KPI Attribute – It is applicable for a group KPI.
- Actual Value – Value of a KPI.
- Unit – Unit of measurement for KPI value.
- Operation – Relational Operator to check KPI value with respect to set threshold.
- Lower Threshold – Lower value of threshold.
- Upper Threshold – Upper value of threshold.
- Signal Id – ID of a signal which the event is part of.
- Forensics Configured Time – Time at which forensics was configured for an OOB or a custom KPI.
- Forensic Collected – It is either yes or no. Yes indicates HEAL collected forensics for a KPI. No indicates that HEAL couldn’t collect the forensics.
Sample Input
http://<keycloak_host>:<keycloak_port>/appsone-query-api/v1.0/config/accounts/d681ef13-d690-4917-jkhg-6c79b-1/services/Oracle-Servers/behaviour-events?from=2020-10-08 04:20:00&to=2020-10-08 10:31:00