Availability Performance Report

To get availability alert counts (events) across all component or host clusters across all the services, use the following: APIs: GET /config/accounts/{accountId}/applications – To get details on all applications. GET...

Audit Details

To get audit details for an account, use the ‘audit-data’ Query API as follows: API Name – audit-data Format – GET /config/accounts/{account-id}/audit-data Input Parameters Type Name Description Schema Mandatory/ Optional Path accountId ID or Identifier of an Account...

Applications Information

This section describes the usage of Query APIs to get information on an application in HEAL. Details for All Applications To get details of all the Applications for a specific account, use the ‘applications’ Query API as follows: API Name – applications Format – GET...

Alert Report

To get per application count of alerts (static, availability, or transaction) and per application per component instance description of each alert along with the value that violated a static threshold, use the following, Query APIs: GET...

Account Information

This section describes usage of Query APIs to get information of Accounts in HEAL. Details of All Accounts To get details of all the accounts that are present in HEAL, use the ‘accounts’ Query API as follows: API Name – accounts Format – GET /config/accounts Output...