How Can We Help?

This section describes the Topology APIs for Host and Component instances as well as Cluster addition.


Clusters for Host and Component instances are created by the ‘clusters’ API.
API Name – clusters
Format – POST /api/accounts/<account_identifier>/clusters

JSON Format

[ { “name”: “<Name for the Cluster>”, “identifier”: “<Unique identifier for the cluster”, “agentIdentifier”: [“<agentIdentifier_1>”, “<agentIdentifier_2>”], “mstComponentVersion”: “<Actual Component/Host Version>”, “mstComponentName”: “<Component Name>”, “mstComponentType”: “<Type of the Component>”, “discovery”: <Is the cluster discovered or manual>, “groupKpiDiscovery”: null, “groupKpi”: null, “kpi”: null, “tags”: [ { “identifier”: “<Name of the Service>”, “name”: “Controller”, “subTypeName”: “Services”, “layer”: “<Layer of the service>” },{ “identifier”:”<application_identifier>”, “subTypeName”:”Application”, “name”:”Controller” }] } ]

Input Required

NameDescriptionDefault ValuePredefined ValuesMandatoryMore Info
nameName for the ClusterYes
identifierUnique identifier for the clusterYes
agentIdentifierList of Agent identifiersYes[agentIdentifier_1 agentIdentifier_2]
mstComponentVersionActual Component/Host VersionYes
mstComponentNameComponent NameYes
mstComponentTypeType of the Component“Host”, “Web Server”, “Application Server”, “Database Server”, “Services”, “Workload”Yes
discoveryIs the cluster discovered or manual0, 1Yes0 – Manual, 1-Discovered
groupKpiDiscoveryList of Discoverable Group KPIs to be added in SpecificYesProviding null will add all the Group KPIs to the Cluster
groupKpiList of Manual Group KPIs to be added in SpecificYesProviding null will not add any manual group KPIs
kpiList of KPIs to be added in SpecificYesProviding null will add all the KPIs to the Cluster
identifierName of the ServiceYes
subTypeNameType of the TagServicesYes
layerLayer of the serviceNo
identifierIdentifier of the applicationYes
subTypeNameType of the TagApplicationYes

Sample JSON

[ { “name”: “TravelWeb_Component_Cluster”, “identifier”: “TravelWeb_CompIns_Cluster”, “agentIdentifiers”: [ “e570de02-c585-4917-bbb7-5c97b35e-13” ], “mstComponentVersion”: “1.1”, “mstComponentName”: “BookingComponent”, “mstComponentType”: “Application Server”, “discovery”: 1, “groupKpiDiscovery”: null, “groupKpi”: null, “kpi”: null, “tags”: [ { “identifier”: “Travel_Web”, “name”: “Controller”, “subTypeName”: “Services”, “layer”: “web_layer” },{ “identifier”: “Travel_Web_application”,”subTypeName”: “Application”,”name”: “Controller” }] }, { “name”: “TravelWeb_Host_Cluster”, “identifier”: “TravelWeb_HostIns_Cluster”, “agentIdentifiers”: [ “e570de02-c585-4917-bbb7-5c97b35e-13” ], “mstComponentVersion”: “7.1”, “mstComponentName”: “AIX”, “mstComponentType”: “Host”, “discovery”: 1, “groupKpiDiscovery”: null, “groupKpi”: null, “kpi”: null, “tags”: [ { “identifier”: “Travel_Web”, “name”: “Controller”, “subTypeName”: “Services”, “layer”: “web_layer” },{ “identifier”:”Travel_Web_application”, “subTypeName”:”Application”, “name”:”Controller” } ] } ]

Success Rest Response

{ “message”: “Successfully Created”, “responseStatus”: “SUCCESS”, }

Failure Rest Response

{ “message”: “Invalid Tag”, “responseStatus”: “FAILURE”, }

Host Instance

Host instances where the component instance is deployed can be created by hosts API.
API Name – hosts
Format – POST /api/accounts/<account_identifier>/hosts

JSON Format

[ { “identifier”: “<Host Instance Identifier>”, “name”: “<Host Instance Name>”, “clusterName”: “<Host Instance Cluster>”, “mstComponentName”: “<Component Name>”, “mstComponentVersion”: “<Component Actual version>”, “mstComponentType”: “<Type of the Component>”, “groupKpi”: null, “groupKpiDiscovery”: null, “kpi”: null, “agentIdentifiers”: [<List of Agent identifiers separated by comma(,)>], “discovery”: 1, “attributes”: [ { “name”: “<Name of the Property>”, “value”: “<Value of the Property>” } ], “tags”: [ { “identifier”: “<Service Identifier>”, “subTypeName”: “Services”, “name”: “Controller”, “layer”: “<Layer of the Service>” },{ “identifier”:”<application_identifier>”, “subTypeName”:”Application”, “name”:”Controller” } ] } ]

Inputs Required

NameDescriptionDefault ValuePredefined ValuesMandatoryMore Info
identifierIdentifier for the Component InstanceYes
nameName for the Component InstanceYes
clusterNameCluster NameYes
mstComponentNameComponent NameYes
mstComponentVersionActual Component VersionYes
mstComponentTypeType of the Component“Host”, “Web Server”, “Application Server”, “Database Server”, “Services”, “Workload”Yes
groupKpinullYesProviding null will not add any manual group KPIs
groupKpiDiscoverynullYesProviding null will add all the Group KPIs to the Instance
kpinullYesProviding null will not add any manual group KPIs
agentIdentifiersAgents to which the instance must be mapped.Yes[agentIdentifier_1 agentIdentifier_2]
discovery10, 1Yes0 – Manual, 1-Discovered
attributes (Multiple values if defined in Component)
nameName of the Property as in the ComponentYesRefer Component to get to know the attributes required.
valueValue for the PropertyYes
identifierName of the ServiceYes
nameType of the TagServicesYes
layerLayer of the serviceNo
identifierIdentifier of the applicationYes
subTypeNameType of the TagApplicationYes

Sample JSON

[ { “identifier”: “TravelWeb_Host_Ins1”, “name”: “TravelWeb_Host_Ins1”, “clusterName”: “TravelWeb_Host_Cluster”, “mstComponentName”: “AIX”, “mstComponentVersion”: “7.1”, “mstComponentType”: “Host”, “groupKpi”: null, “groupKpiDiscovery”: null, “kpi”: null, “agentIdentifiers”: [ “e570de02-c585-4917-bbb7-5c97b35e-13”, “e570de02-c585-4917-bbb7-5c97b35e-14” ], “discovery”: 1, “attributes”: [ { “name”: “HostAddress”, “value”: “TravelWeb_Node1” } ], “tags”: [ { “identifier”: “Travel_Web”, “subTypeName”: “Services”, “name”: “Controller”, “layer”: “web_layer” },{ “identifier”:”Travel_Web_application”, “subTypeName”:”Application”, “name”:”Controller” } ] } ]

Success Rest Response

{ “message”: “Successfully Created”, “responseStatus”: “SUCCESS”, } Failure Rest Response { “message”: “Invalid tag”, “responseStatus”: “FAILURE”, }

Component Instance

Component instances where the component instance is deployed can be created by ‘instances-old’ API.
API Name – instances-old
Format – POST /api/accounts/<account_identifier>/instances-old

JSON Format

[ { “identifier”: “<Component Instance Identifier>”, “name”: “<Component Instance Name>”, “clusterName”: “<Component Instance Cluster>”, “mstComponentName”: “<Component Name>”, “mstComponentVersion”: “<Component Actual version>”, “mstComponentType”: “<Type of the Component>”, “groupKpi”: null, “groupKpiDiscovery”: null, “kpi”: null, “agentIdentifiers”: [<List of Agent identifiers separated by comma(,)>], “discovery”: 1, “attributes”: [ { “name”: “<Name of the Property>”, “value”: “<Value of the Property>” } ], “tags”: [ { “identifier”: “<Service Identifier>”, “subTypeName”: “Services”, “name”: “Controller”, “layer”: “<Layer of the Service>” },{ “identifier”:”<application_identifier>”, “subTypeName”:”Application”, “name”:”Controller” } ] } ]

Inputs Required

NameDescriptionDefault ValuePredefined ValuesMandatoryMore Info
identifierIdentifier for the Component InstanceYes
nameName for the Component InstanceYes
clusterNameCluster NameYes
mstComponentNameComponent NameYes
mstComponentVersionActual Component VersionYes
mstComponentTypeType of the Component“Host”, “Web Server”, “Application Server”, “Database Server”, “Services”, “Workload”Yes
groupKpinullYesProviding null will not add any manual group KPIs
groupKpiDiscoverynullYesProviding null will add all the Group KPIs to the Instance
kpinullYesProviding null will not add any manual group KPIs
agentIdentifiersAgents to which the instance must be mapped.Yes[agentIdentifier_1 agentIdentifier_2]
discovery10, 1Yes0 – Manual, 1-Discovered
attributes (Multiple values if defined in Component)
nameName of the Property as in the ComponentYesRefer Component to get to know the attributes required.
valueValue for the PropertyYes
identifierName of the ServiceYes
nameType of the TagServicesYes
layerLayer of the serviceNo
identifierIdentifier of the applicationYes
subTypeNameType of the TagApplicationYes

Sample JSON

[ { “identifier”: “TravelWeb_Comp_Ins1”, “name”: “TravelWeb_Comp_Ins1”, “clusterName”: “TravelWeb_CompIns_Cluster”, “mstComponentName”: “BookingComponent”, “mstComponentVersion”: “1.1”, “mstComponentType”: “Application Server”, “groupKpi”: null, “groupKpiDiscovery”: null, “kpi”: null, “agentIdentifiers”: [ “e570de02-c585-4917-bbb7-5c97b35e-13”, “e570de02-c585-4917-bbb7-5c97b35e-14” ], “discovery”: 1, “attributes”: [ { “name”: “HostAddress”, “value”: “TravelWeb_Node_1” } ], “tags”: [ { “identifier”: “Travel_Web”, “subTypeName”: “Services”, “name”: “Controller”, “layer”: “web_layer” },{ “identifier”:”Travel_Web_application”, “subTypeName”:”Application”, “name”:”Controller” } ] } ]

Success Rest Response

{ “message”: “Successfully Created”, “responseStatus”: “SUCCESS”, }

Failure Rest Response

{ “message”: “Invalid tag”, “responseStatus”: “FAILURE”, }

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