How Can We Help?

This section describes the usage of Query APIs to get details on changes identified by Configuration Watch.

Details of Configuration Watch Changes

To get time-series details of configuration changes detected on a service for an account, use the ‘config-watches Query API as follows:
API Name – config-watches
Format – GET /config/accounts/{accountId}/services/{serviceId}/config-watches

Input Parameters

PathaccountIdID or Identifier of an AccountstringMandatory
PathserviceIdID or Identifier of a servicestringMandatory
QuerytypeThis attribute can have one of the following values:
all, config watch (this is for property watch), file watch
QueryfromTime Range in GMT formatstringMandatory


Output Parameters
Output Type: CSV

  • Instance Id – ID or Identifier of a host or a component instance
  • Instance Name – Name of a host or a component instance
  • Time (GMT) – Timestamp (date and time in GMT format)
  • Type – Configuration Watch Type. It supports property watch and file watch.
  • Group Name – Group KPI Name
  • File / KPI Name – Name of a file or a KPI in which configuration watch detects the changes.
  • Key – Property name for a KPI
  • Value – Value of the property for a KPI
  • Operation – A file or a property can be added, modified, or deleted


Sample Input

http://<keycloak_host>:<keycloak_port>/appsone-query-api/v1.0/config/accounts/2/services/4/config-watches?type=all&from=2020-05-20 10:29:07&to=2020-07-31 14:29:07

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