How Can We Help?
HEAL checks if it needs to audit any transactions. HEAL captures extra headers which are available in the post header (body). You can view the transaction’s audit details through the Audit column in the Workload screen.


Hover on the icon in Audit column displays View Transaction Audit option.

Select View Transaction Audit. HEAL displays following screen. Client and Server exchange request and responses. Whatever captions you provide in ‘Display Name’ fields in Control Center UI, those captions are the column headings in HEAL UI in ‘Request Details’ screen. Actual values for the fields specified in GET/POST Variable(1) boxes in Control Center UI appear under these column headings in HEAL UI in ‘Request Details’ screen.

Request Details

Request Details


Request Details
HEAL displays transactions audit data for either last 30 minutes or 1 hour.

Request Details

Request Details
If there is no transactions audit data available for a request, HEAL displays following screen.

Request Details