How Can We Help?

When HEAL creates a signal – either a Problem or an Early Warning – it also proposes the top three solutions to determine the root cause. HEAL improves problem resolution by organizing historical tickets into distinct categories, such as disk issues or database out-of-memory errors.

Navigate Solution Recommendation

Follow the steps below to view the recommended solutions:

1. Go to the Signals Tab. See Signals Navigation.

2. Click on the Signal ID or select a link to the Signal in an email notification to display the Signal Report.

Select the message icon next to the relevant signals within the ‘Solution Recommendation’ column to view a concise summary of the recommended solutions for each respective Signal. This action will display a ‘Solution Recommendation’ pop-up with the advised solutions for addressing the issue. For a detailed understanding, consult the ‘Solution Recommendation’ section in the Signal Tab.

3. On the Signal Report Screen (Warning/Problem Report), click Solution Recommendation Tab.

Solution Recommendation

4. On the right pane, the Solution Recommendation tab displays the following details:

  • Description: Describes the Signal.
  • Recommended Action(s): Offer a solution to address the identified Problem or EW.
  • Confidence Score: This value represents the system’s certainty regarding the suggested solution’s effectiveness.
  • Useful/Not Useful:
    • Thumbs Up: Indicate this if the solution resolves the issue.
    • Thumbs Down: Select this if the solution does not resolve the issue.
  • Feedback: Please provide feedback to enhance our recommendations.
Users are advised to consistently provide feedback to enhance the confidence score of the solutions. By validating solution recommendations, this feedback contributes to more accurate and quicker responses for subsequent events.

Benefits of Solution Recommendation

Leveraging the ‘Solution Recommendation’ offers benefits such as:

  • Enhanced communication: Facilitates better comprehension of the event for IT teams, aiding future solution recommendations.
  • Decreased risk: IT teams can lessen the chance of new issues arising or existing ones worsening by validating solutions prior to implementation.
  • Increased accuracy: By validating proposed solutions, IT teams can reduce potential errors and downtime, ensuring that the solution is precise and appropriate for the identified problem.
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