Health Performance Report

To get details on behavior group and non-group KPIs, use the following APIs: APIs:  GET /config/accounts/{accountId}/componentsKPIs – To get details of supported KPIs for a particular component sub-type. This helps in getting IDs of KPIs in order to fetch further...

Connections Information

This section describes the usage of Query APIs to get information on connections in HEAL. Connections Details for a Service To get details of all dependent services for a specific service, use the ‘connections’ Query API as follows: API Name – connections Format – GET...

Configuration Watch_API

This section describes the usage of Query APIs to get details on changes identified by Configuration Watch. Details of Configuration Watch Changes To get time-series details of configuration changes detected on a service for an account, use the ‘config-watches’ Query...

Components and Component KPIs

This section describes the usage of Query APIs to get information on components in HEAL and details on their KPIs. List Component Sub-types To get the list of component sub-types for a specific type of a component in an account, use the ‘components’ Query API as...

Behavior Events

This section describes the usage of Query APIs to get details on events raised for behavior KPIs. Details of Behavior Events To get details of time-series events raised on a service for group and non-group behavior KPIs, use the ‘behavior-events’ Query API as follows:...