Signal Notifications Templates

Introduction Refer Viewing Signals for details on Signals. There are two types of Lead Signals: Early Warning Problem HEAL sends notifications in following cases. When a signal is created. (Status is Open) When a new service is added to the timeline. (Status is Open)...

Viewing Forensics

Forensics provides a detailed analysis of the signal and helps in identifying the possible root cause of the signal. The HEAL application collects these forensics when an event is generated in the application and displays the data on the UI. One of the routes to value...

Viewing Request Dashboard

The workload is all application activities that cause stress on the underlying components and IT Infrastructure. The workload is all user transactions, the volume, composition, payload therein, business logic, background processes, and read/write activity occurring on...

Viewing Availability KPI

Availability KPIs are applicable at the instance level only. All the availability KPIs are clubbed together in one category named “availability.” Every instance screen displays it on top of the category list. Availability KPIs represent the state of instances, and...

Viewing Service Details

Select a service in the SDM screen to view the Service Details screen of a particular service. It provides a quick overview of the health of a service at that time. It displays several instances running on this service, Workload KPIs, Behavior KPIs, active signals,...